Thursday, October 03, 2013

Update for youuuuz c:

 Hi everyone, it's been a while again, hasn't it? ^-^
 Well fear not, because I'm updating you on everything that's happened to me this month :D
how exciting...

Okay well first of all, how snazzy does this blog look? (^._.)> I gave it a whole new look and I hope you like it :D
First of all we've got the very fabulous moving rainbow background, how awesome is that?
Nextly, is nextly even a word? I don't think so... oh well I'm using it anyways :D
Nextly we have the groovy music player up the top of the blog, as you may have realised most of it is Ariana Grande... hehe.. I like her :3
I stalk her what oh
And last of all we have my superdee-duperdee new banner! :D *does snazzy dance*
Look at that bad boy, oh yeah ^-^

Okay and next in line,
My new movie series has been released and I'm currently working on part 4 :) My movie series in called 'Prom' and it's about a nerd who proves everyone wrong.
My favourite part is this part:

 "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "PILLOW FIGHT :D"

I like that part c:

Anyways if you have any more questions leave it in the comments below and I promise to reply! c:

Bye :D

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