Monday, October 07, 2013

Ask Sam c;

Hey everyone I haven't done an ask Sam in ages because I haven't even been online for ages o.o but still I decided to do another, and you guys asked me questions and now I'm gonna answer them :D
Let's a go c:

Msp Related Questions

- Why did you leave MSP for ages?
To be honest I took interest in other things for a while, like for a while I was going through a Club Penguin phase, then I went through a massive Animal Crossing: New Leaf phase, and then other phases like Twitter, Instagram, Video Star, Youtube ect. But now I'm obsessed with MSP again  :3

- Are you friends with Ishacool?
Haha no. 

- Are you friends with any level 25's? If not, who's your highest level friend?
No I actually don't have any level 25 friends, but my highest level friend is Toby McGuire and he's level 24 so when he gets to level 25 the world will be MINE MEUEEHEHEHE

- How many friends do you have on MSP?
uHHH lEMME cHECK... I have 1358 friends right now :3

- What phone do you have?
Random question :D but I have an iPhone 5 and a Blackberry 9320

- Do you plan to make more movies since you left MSP?
If you check my movies you'll see I've started a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious series of movies called 'Prom.'

- How many messages do you get on MSP a day?
To be honest it's nothing special, around 2 - 3 xD

- Why don't you trade?
To be honest I don't actually know I just don't like it

- Do you wear looks people make for you?
Yes totally! I love it when you guys make looks for me and if I like it (which I probably will) I'll most definitely wear it in time :) Most of the outfits I wear are actually made by you guys c:

- Do you like Ishacool?
I think I've already answered a question like this before, and already said I don't wanna answer this because I don't wanna start arguments or World War 5 srsly

- How many SC and Diamonds do you usually have?
Well I don't mean to toot my own horn but I usually have around 50,000 - 100,000 sc and 300 Diamonds but I don't at the moment because I spent them all but I plan to get more, my mum was gonna let me but then realised she had no money aww 

- How many fans do you have and do you appreciate your fans?
But in all seriousness I only have like 5 fans that I know of.

- Do you think Ishacool hacked to get to level 25? Because she joined at the same time as you and you're only level 16
What's with all the Ishacool questions guys? And no, this isn't the case of Ishacool hacking/bribing and all that jazz, to be honest it's a case of me being on and off MSP all the time, and me being forgotten about so I earn no fame xD

- Worst movie you've ever made?#
I made this movie once called 'Confusing Luv x' and dear god it was horrible

Non MSP Related Questions

What phone do you have?
Random question :D but I have an iPhone 5 and a Blackberry 9320

How old are you?
I swear I answer this question like every time I do an Ask Sam xD but I'm 12, I'll be 13 on September 22nd 2014 so now you don't have to ask anymore voila :D

- Where are you from?
EnGlAnD :D

- Are any of your real life friends on MSP?
My brother - Finn56
Best friend :D - XxX-Charliie-XxX
As you can see most of them copied my name .-.

- Do you have any pets in real life?
I like the way you asked that xD 'in real life?' like real life is a weird alternate dimension and the only world we know is the virtual world o.O 'Real liffeee?? o.O' Haha xD but srsly I do I have 4 cats and they're the best thing ever they're so adorable :3 I did have 5 but one kitten got ran over ;-;
This answer way way longer than it needed to be 

- Are you on Instagram?
Yes I amstagram :3 
My name is ashiznotonfire 
Feel free to follow me :D I post selfies on there so dear god people don't laugh at my face that looks like a bag of crushed up assholes.

- If you could have any pet what would you have?
I don't know.. I'd have loads.. I'd have 3 pugs, 3 kittens, 2 guinea pigs and a baby chihuahua :3

- Are you cool? 
Yeah I'm cooler than cool I'm ice cool baby c;

Do you like elephants? Elephantness x-o
Yes elephants are swaggy :3

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why???
Popcorn, because it's good for your stomach and It's half healthy because it's half corn and what I'm trying to say is it's delicious 

If someone slapped you with a big, wet fish, would you give them a cookie or would you do something else?
I would slap them bc I hate fish

Thank you for all your questions, this is the most questions I've ever got so yay ily all <3

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