Saturday, October 05, 2013

Hacked? The dolly and more!

Howdy ya'll :D

So about 20 minutes ago, I was just chillin' on msp :D when I suddenly was logged off. Well I thought I just glitched or summin' so I was like eh :3 so I logged back on. Then I got a message from _Emz_ That said: 

_Emz_: change ur pass quickly u getting logged off because some one ese is logging on to you they no your pass
Me: Trust me nobody knows my pass (y)

Because nobody knows my pass, it's too difficult. Got logged off a few other times after that, but one of the times I was logged off, my status changed to 'Going going gone. Hacked.' which I noticed was the same as my friend ♥Becky's status.So when I got my account back, I looked around the chatrooms, looking for any talk of hackers, or even better, a hacker. Now here's the weird part. I found no hackers. No talk of hackers. But the one thing I did find, was this user: 

Now this user left a few seconds after I came into the room. Which was kinda disappointing because I wanted to ask her something :\
But anywho, I'm not hacker. How could I hack? I'm 12. I still need permission to go on xD
But in all seriousness, I wonder if I did get hacked? By this person? Because her status is '###-sam-### is a hacker! so i hacked her back!'
I read it and was like wut :l
UPDATE: As I was writing this post, I forgot I was still in the chatroom and look what I found:
Like what? o.o If you don't know who Im talking about it's the girl standing next to me, The Dolly (d) Mu...


I will update this post if I find more ya know... evidence ;o

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