Sunday, September 04, 2011

Vote for my new look

I was planning on getting a whole new look. Please look at the pictures below:

To vote, Please fill in the form below and mail it to my user, XxX-Sam-XxX.


Real name (optional):

Age (Optional):

Look (A, B, C, or D):

Email (Optional):

Country you live in:


Here is an example below:

And obviosly, the look with the most votes will be picked.

My personal fave look is A, but it's up to you isnt it!

Terms and conditions apply. Competition ends 12/09/2011. Entrance must be 9 years or older. Any bans, kicks, or warning are not the responsibility of XxX--Sam--XxX™. Please note that any moans, groans or disses to other peoples votes WILL be reported and banned from this site. © XxX-Sam-XxX 2010 - 2011 All rights reserved.

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