Monday, September 05, 2011

School poem

Well since were all going back to school soon I decided to write a poem:

I have to warn you that whilst this poem is quite horrible, the introduction to it is really, really disgusting. At the age of seven, I was sent to boarding school. The was nothing particularly wrong with the food at boarding school, but there was no choice of menu and you were forced to eat everything. If it was something you didn't like, you could ask for a small portion, but you had to eat it. There was a boy in my class called Andrew who didn't like bread and butter pudding. He didn't just not like bread and butter pudding, he really, really hated it. Unfortunately for Andrew, we had bread and butter pudding for lunch nearly every week. He would dutifully ask for a small portion and sit shuffling the bread and butter pudding round the plate with is spoon, or hiding lumps of it in his pockets, or bribing his neighbour to eat it for him. Eventually the teacher would give up and say he'd finished and that he could leave the table. Except that on one occasion there was a particularly mean and sadistic teacher in charge, who sat right beside him and said he was going to watch him eat every mouthful, even if it meant they both stayed there till tea time. Andrew begged and he cried, but eventually he was forced to put a miniscule spoonful of bread and butter pudding into his mouth. He was immediately sick, right back into the bowl of bread and butter pudding. The teacher - I did mention, didn't I, that he was cruel and vicious - said that he'd done it on purpose and made him sit and eat the bowl of sick (diced carrots and all). The good news is that the poem isn't about bread and butter pudding; the bad news is that it's about my least favourite school food, which is even more disgusting...

I know its nothing to do with MSP and its not really a poem... but I thought I shud try

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