Saturday, September 03, 2011

Me + Hazz = ♥

 OMG YEAH ITS TRUE! Hazz asked me out! ARGH ive had a crush on him since... well
 since he joined.... *SCREAMZ*

Here look at our conversation:

   Me: *SCREAMZ*
   Hkhan96: Lol nutter :p
   Me    : :P
   Me    : xD i just got about 10 people saying eww or gross coz i just said tht
   Me    : Was that a mistake when u
   Me    : u know
   Me    : pressed the girlfreind button
   Hkhan96: no..i like u
   Me    : I like u too
   Hkhan96: i've liked a while
   Me    : Same
  Me    : xD u made me go all jumpy
  Hkhan96: hahahahahhahahhah
  Hkhan96: U GOT A BONNNNER ha if u have a diickk
  Me    : seriosly I just fell off my chair
  Hkhan96: lol  why?
  Me    : Coz u made me go jumpy
 Hkhan96: HA
 Hkhan96: horrny
 Hkhan96: :p

xD ♥ u hazz!

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