Hi hi everyone how was your Halloween? Good good ;D
I know mine was awesome :333
What was everyone for halloweeeeen?
How awesome ;D
I was...
Btw you can buy my costume by clicking HERE
And anyway I'm not even kidding look at this pic of me:
Omfg no I'm such a midget
4'10 wbu -.-
Anyways yeah funny halloween story that happened the other day
Me: Wow I'm so stupid what would make me even more stupider hmmm what about getting a slenderman costume?
Me, Parris, Chloe and Shannon (My friends): Hurp durp strollin around the pitch black streets at 5:30
Me: Lul I cant see hulp me derp around the streets while I call you every 5 seconds because I lost you because I cant see #lolswagyolo
My friends: Biash u gettin annoying now lul lets let you fall down all the kerbs
Me: Darn u
Me: Its hot now lets unzip my head lol
Me: *Tries to unzip head*
Me: Crapballs I'm stuck
My friends: HUEHEUEHEUEH LOOK ASHLEIGH'S (My name is Ashleigh if you hadn'y already figured that out >.>) GOT A RANDOM CLUMP OF HAIR STICKING OUT HER ZIP HA SHES STUCK
Parris: No srsly guis she cryin lul
Me: Hurp *sniff* durp get me out omfg
All of us: Strollin to Parris's house not a care in the world lol
Parris's mum: Dayum woman that hair is stuck
Me: Mhmm.
*Like half an hour later*
Me: Yey I'm unstuck
Me: What can I go as now though D;
Everyone: Yay u can be a witch in a tuxedo yaay.
And that was the seriously embarassing tale of how my halloween went.
Yay clap clap
To make me feel less sorry for myself, have any of you ever had embarassing halloween happenings? ;D
Someone please comment tho omfg
- Out
I can't see Slender tho, but a like. ;3