Friday, September 21, 2012

My Crush In Real Life

Okay Guys, I Need Your Help (:
Im 10 Years Old, 11 Tomorrow (22nd September 2012) But Yeah. In Real Life Ive Liked My Crush Since Year 1, Im Now In Year 6 :D Were Really Quite Good Freinds, And He Knows I Like Him, But I Just Dont Have The Gut To Ask Him Out, Cause I Know I'll Sound Weird. Help Guuuys o.o
And Aswell, Hes Also Bffs With My Bff, And I Have A Hint That My Crush Loves My Bff... :L
And Its Not Like A Little Crush, I Want To Marry Him. Live With Him Forever. I Want To Kiss Himmmm :D

Hes So Cute :3
 So Yeah. Please Help ):


  1. Mintgeorgia(back)9 October 2012 at 12:32

    hey :)well, I'm in year 8 and im 12 nearly 13 and I had a crush on this boy when i started year 7 and I asked him out in april and he said yes. my advice would be to like become good friends with him and ask him privatly and if he says no tell him it doesnt matter and just keep your head held high. if he says got yourself a boyfriend :D Toby and I have been going out for 6-7 months now and I think it was worth asking him...but that might just be me. please dont hold it against me if my plan doesnt work as I've only ever asked 2 boys out and 1 said yes but lasted one day and the other I'm still with and have been for 6 months. :D hope this helped xxx

  2. Look, Love doesn't come to young people. You are just attracted to him for looks. Love is when you get butterflys, Weird feelings in your tummy, and actually feeling love. Wait until you hit 13, you'll understand.

    1. Ya know, looking back at this, I'm 12 now and I really understand this comment c:


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