Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ASK SAM! ^o^

Do you like cookies? - Poprox
OF COURSE! Why just the other day i ate a whole packet of them xD

Do you know any of your MSP friends in real life? - Ashley_<3_Carlos
Yeah! I know plop101, xxx-charliie-xxx, xxx-charlie-xxx, amy.12345678910 and hotduderokz.

Haha, what if someone asks what your blog password is? - kittysmile
Well... I dont ACTUALLY know... O_O

Hey shamsarella ;D watcha doin? - BexyGloss1
Go away xD Im trying to do a blog post ;o

Can I have a gift? - mcakem
Eh, No :)

Will i get a boyfriend on msp in the next 5 minutes? - shortmoviemaker"
Probably, your so pretty :3

Can you look at my blog - Poopy 1234
I did, its awesome!

If i ate half a pizza, and my mate ate a whole pizza, how many pizzas would I have left? - hottyboys17
Err... 1784975189345 ;D

Am i awesome? - Josh 4D
Of Course ;D

Why do you never reply to my messages? - silinaxxx
Sorry, most of the time my messages don't work, so I can barely recieve any.

Do you answer people? - Babes122
I try.

Can you please look at my very sad story in forums? - xX - KitKat - Xx
Yeah sure :3

Can I ask you a favour? - Yazzy_loves_you
Ask away :D

How do you pick your MSP outfits? - silinaxxx
Most of the time, it depends what mood im in, or what music im listening to. It sounds confusing, I know. But if im in a bad mood, i'll pick an outfit with dark colours, and ripped things. When im in a good mood, its normally any random outfit I want! ;D

What does 1+1 =? - India Heart
Window, of course! :P

Thats Enough Now ;P

Thanks For All The Questions Guys!

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