Friday, November 11, 2011

Im Locked out...

GRR!! im locked again!! and why? because Stooooooopid msp think its bad to ask people to try and get 2 shoes bak on X fac! Sometimes u RLLY piss me off msp... I mean, even read my and EllieKings's convo:

EllieKing    : On Your account sam It says lol hazz
EllieKing    : !? x
Me    : i know... then i logged out and 2day i found out i was locked... xO
EllieKing: Ikr I was locked for 3 days once and now im on ma last warning!
Me    : i am too...
EllieKing: Im worried! :3
Me    : i was on my last warning last time... Im worried because this time im locked for A WHOLE WEEK
EllieKing: OMG! it says if Im bad I'll be locked out for lifee!
Me    : samee
Me    : its worrying mee
EllieKing: Same. I might make a new account and send all ma stuff to it.
EllieKing: But ive worked hard to be level 4! And youve worked hard to be level 7! Its unfair!
Me    : I KNOW!!
EllieKing: Think I might start dat new account in case!
Me    : Im thinking of doing that to... but to get all those friends back? Theres no way!!!! I have over 650 friends!!
EllieKing: Iniitt! And when you start you can only have 30 friends!
Me    : Exactly
EllieKing: Think I might mail ma 30 fav friends to add ma other account :| You might be one of dem ! :'D
Me    : LOL
Me    : Yaaaaay
EllieKing: Loool! We hardly talk except today but still :']
Me    : Innit

Me    : Olly?
EllieKing    : Lool! Might Do!

MSP are getting WAY too sensitive... my sisters sent an email to unlock me :']

Anyways molly (My bff irl) let me use her account until i get unlocked... her name on there is BexyGloss so add me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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