Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New levels again srsly msp >_>

Howdy y'all. 
So msp changed the levels again. As you may have also noticed I'm now level 22. I noticed because my friend at school today was like "oh did you realise you're level 22 on msp" and I was like WHAT THE FRICK FRACK so today I log on and I'm like omg omg level 22 I'm nearly level 25 sooon. And then. to my surprise. DANG FLAB IT MSP YOU INCREASED THE LEVELS. Y'all ruined my excitement ;_;  but like I don't know just stop making levels higher and just let me get to a high lev because I'm basically classed as a really low level now. Like dayum msp what do you have against me being a high level? O.o. I'm not sure what the highest level is now because I can't check because I'm stuck using msp on my iphone 5 because my brother broke my laptop. Yay ;_;
But any who what are your views on the new levels? Personally I think they should put them back down and STAHP moving them up because it's reallllyy annoying me. 

Sam out bye
Rainbow Lucky Charms